Travel Skincare Tips

Travel Skincare Tips

投稿者 Alison Butijer 投稿日:

Are you about to escape the Australian winter and embark on a European summer holiday?

Traveling is an exciting time, but it can cause havoc on our skin due to all of the environmental changes, humidity, sun exposure, air conditioning and air pressure. Additional stressors during travel that can affect skin health, include poor sleep patterns, stress, alcohol consumption, late nights and changes in diet.

Holidays are a time to relax, explore and unwind from the usual daily grind. However, you do not want to take a holiday from your skincare routine, especially if you have sensitive skin.

By taking care of our skin while traveling, we can ensure that it stays healthy, protected, and looking its best. It is important for several reasons:

  • Increasing your water intake helps to keep the skin healthy and hydrated.
  • Traveling exposes our skin to different environments with varying levels of pollution, UV radiation, and climate conditions. Protecting the skin from these factors can prevent damage, premature aging, and potential skin concerns.
  • Trying new products can potentially irritate and sensitise the skin. By following your usual skincare routine, you will minimise the chances of any adverse reactions.
  • Proper skincare can improve the comfort and overall well-being of the skin. By keeping it clean, moisturised, and protected, we can avoid discomfort, dryness, itchiness, and other skin-related issues.
  • Maintaining healthy and radiant skin can boost our self-confidence and make us feel good about ourselves, both during and after travel.

Here are a few AMPERNA®-approved travel skincare tips to consider while on holidays.


  • First, sanitise your tray table, tv screen and controls using a disinfectant wipe as soon as you are seated on the plane.
  • Airplanes have low humidity levels and reduced air pressure circulating in the cabins. This can leave the skin feeling dry, dull, and more sensitive, as well as exacerbate existing skin issues. With clean hands apply a moisturiser before your flight and reapply throughout to keep your skin hydrated. Look for moisturisers that contain hyaluronic acid, or glycerine, which help attract water to the skin.
    AMPERNA®'s [Hydrate] Lightweight Soothing Emulsion comes in a handy travel size which is perfect to take in your hand luggage on the flight.
  • Skip wearing makeup during your flight as makeup can clog pores and dry out your skin, leaving it looking dull and tired. Let your skin breathe as much as possible while traveling on the plane.
  • As tempting as it may be, avoid drinking alcohol during the flight and prioritise your water intake. Green Tea is also recommended over caffeine. The combination of alcohol and the hypobaric conditions of an airplane cabin impacts your sleep and can lead to dehydration, which can affect the skin's health and appearance. You will land looking more worse for wear.
  • Kiri (AMPERNA® founder and owner) always travels with her LED mask as an extra skin loving step during the flight and whilst on holiday in her accommodation as part of her selfcare regime.
  • Air conditioning in hotels tends to cause skin dryness, especially if it is set to a low temperature and runs for extended periods. Dry skin can feel tight, itchy, and may lead to a dull looking complexion. Some people may experience increased sensitivity or irritation due to exposure to cold, dry air from the air conditioning. This can worsen skin conditions such as eczema or rosacea.
    Maintain a moderate room temperature setting on the air conditioning unit to avoid excessive cooling and dryness.
    A humidifier in the room adds moisture to the air which will combat dryness.
  • Keep the skin hydrated by drinking plenty of water and applying a moisturiser regularly.
    Avoid sitting directly in front of air conditioning vents to minimise direct exposure to the chilly air.
  • Use sunscreen to protect your skin from UV rays, especially if you will be spending a lot of time outdoors. Re-applying your sunscreen is key. Take periodic breaks from UV exposure and rest in some shade. A facial mist can help hydrate and refresh your skin. Look for mists that contain soothing and hydrating ingredients like aloe vera, pre and probiotics.
    AMPERNA®'s [Supacalm] Probiotic + SOS Daily Facial Spray is your new best travel buddy. It is refreshing, calming and cooling on the skin.
    * The SOS spray is great to refresh your skin on flights also but it will need to be transferred into a small travel-sized spray bottle.
  • Keep it simple with your skincare and makeup while travelling. Your skincare routine should be your core products, i.e. gentle cleanser, moisturiser, an antioxidant serum, and an SPF. And keep your makeup light and minimal to avoid clogging your pores.
  • Eat as balanced as you can. Yes, you are on holidays, and you should enjoy yourself. Just be mindful to have a balance of indulging verse healthy eating.


  • Don't forget your H2O. Dehydration can take a toll on your skin, ensure to drink plenty of water while traveling to keep your skin moisturised and healthy. Avoid excessive alcohol and caffeine intake as they can dehydrate your body.
  • Avoid carrying excessive skincare products while traveling. Overpacking can lead to skincare routines becoming difficult to maintain. Stick to the essential products that you know work well for your skin.
  • Avoid using new or unfamiliar skincare products while traveling. Your skin may react differently to new formulas, potentially causing irritation or allergies. Stick to the products you know and trust to avoid any adverse reactions.
    Alison (AMPERNA®'s Office Administrator) always packs the AMPERNA® Wash and Lotion Duo to use for herself and her whole family while travelling. The duo is perfect to use on children’s skin and takes the risk out of potential irritants that might be in the hotel amenities products.
  • Don't neglect your Sun Protection. Always apply sunscreen with a high SPF, wear a hat, and try to seek shade when possible. Prolonged sun exposure without protection can lead to sunburn, premature aging, and an increased risk of skin cancer.
  • Never sleep with your makeup on, especially when travelling. Leaving makeup on overnight can clog pores, lead to breakouts, and cause irritation.
  • Avoid having every night a late night. Stress and inadequate sleep can lead to inflammation and exacerbate existing skin conditions. Rest is imperative when on holidays and should be scheduled into your travelling itinerary.
    Furthermore, the change in diet or exposure to foods that you are not used to might cause an upset stomach, allergic reactions, or flare-ups of certain skin conditions.

Overall, enjoy yourself while you are on holidays but do not slacken off or try and get creative with your skincare regime. Do what you know works for your skin and do not over complicate things.

Hopefully these little tips will safeguard your skin to looking its best whilst travelling. 

Blog article author

Written By Alison Butijer

Alison Butijer has a background in Visual Merchandising but in 2020 started on her own health & wellness journey, helping other people on theirs too. Alison is passionate about holistic living, encouraging others to create healthy lifestyle habits & feeling confident in their own skin. Everything that AMPERNA® embodies.

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ニキビの吹き出物はどこからともなく私たちに襲いかかるように見えますが、吹き出物を引き起こす根本的な要因はしばらく前から発生している可能性があります。多くのニキビ患者は、皮脂腺が過剰に働き、毛穴が詰まり炎症を起こすことによって吹き出物がどのように発生するかを理解していますが、多くの人にとって、その原因を特定するのは困難です。 理由を理解することは、吹き出物の重症度を最小限に抑え、継続的な吹き出物の発生を引き起こす可能性のある潜在的な要因をより適切に管理するのに役立ちます。 あなたを驚かせる可能性のある 5 つの一般的なトリガーを次に示します。 一般的なトリガー マスク関連の吹き出物 私たちの多くは長時間マスクを着用しています。マスク着用には多くの良い利点がありますが、 ニキビの発生は欠点の 1 つになる可能性があります。マスクによって引き起こされるニキビの発生は、マスクからの圧力と湿気や汗がマスクの下に閉じ込められることで発生し、炎症や吹き出物を引き起こします。さらに、微生物が急速に蓄積し、マスクの下で長時間皮膚に留まり、吹き出物が発生する可能性があります。布製マスクを着用している人は、綿混紡などの素材が天然の油分を吸収して乾燥や炎症を引き起こす可能性があるため、深刻な問題に直面しています。マスクを洗って再度着用する人にとって、洗濯洗剤の残留物も毛穴の詰まりや炎症を引き起こす可能性があります。 ピロートーク 枕カバーの清潔さは、ニキビの発生の大きな原因となる可能性があります。枕カバーを定期的に洗ったり交換したりしないと、環境からの汚れや油の蓄積、枕に触れた実際の皮膚や髪の毛が皮膚に戻ってしまいます。これにより毛穴が詰まり、シミの原因となる可能性があります。誰もが枕カバーから吹き出物を起こすわけではありませんが、ホルモン、遺伝、ストレスなどが原因で吹き出物ができやすい人は、枕カバーがただでさえデリケートな状況を悪化させ、微小な刺激を引き起こす可能性があります。 枕カバーは 2 ~ 3 日ごとに洗う必要があります。これにより、数日分の油が枕カバーに染み込んだり、表面に溜まった状態で枕カバーに横たわることがなくなります。 ただし、洗濯には注意が必要です。液体柔軟剤はワックス状の残留物を残し、毛穴を詰まらせる原因となります。枕カバーには柔軟剤の使用は避けてください。残念ながら、無香料の柔軟剤も優れているわけではありません。この場合、ニキビができやすい肌にとって問題となるのは柔軟剤です。 バランスの取れた食事を摂っていない 加工食品、乳製品、砂糖を多く含む食事を摂り、植物由来の食物や繊維が豊富な食品を幅広く食べていない場合、特にニキビができやすい人の場合は、皮膚全体の健康を損なっている可能性があります。 高度に加工された食品を食べすぎると、炎症やニキビなどの皮膚の問題に悩まされる可能性があります。特定の食品は体全体の炎症をさらに促進する可能性があり、これがニキビの発生を引き起こす可能性があります。 肌に最大限の栄養を与えるには、体の内側から外側に栄養を与え、善玉菌の数を増やし、悪玉菌に圧倒されないように、健康に良い食品を幅広く食べる必要があります。 しかし、食事とニキビに対する決定的な食品「治療法」や万能のアプローチはありません。食事を変える前に、医師または自然療法医に相談して、自分に合った適切な食事のアドバイスを受けられるようにするのが最善です。 一般に、ニキビの原因に対処する最も効果的な方法は、新鮮な果物や野菜、健康的なタンパク質源、全粒穀物を豊富に含む、健康的でバランスの取れた食事を食べることです。...
