Tipps, Behandlung und die besten Produkte gegen periorale Dermatitis
Dermatitis, insbesondere im Gesicht, kann sich oft wie eine isolierende Erkrankung anfühlen. Die Realität ist, dass es tatsächlich recht häufig vorkommt und weltweit mehr als 230 Millionen Menschen betrifft.
Inflammageing and Skin Health
Inflammageing is a term that combines the effects of "inflammation" and "ageing." It refers to the low-grade, chronic inflammation that occurs as people age and...
TSW (Topical Steroid Withdrawal) Skin and How to Soothe It
Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW) occurs when topical steroids have been used in excess or for a prolonged period and are abruptly stopped. When you suddenly...
Body Skin Barrier Protection
While most of us focus on our facial skin, our body skin barrier is equally as important. Your skin is your body's largest organ, and...
Skincare Predictions for 2025
Skincare in 2025 will revolve around personalisation, gentle formulations, and sustainability. As science and technology advances, skincare will become even more sophisticated, making it possible...
Make Up Dos and Don’ts for Sensitive and Flared Skin
If you suffer from sensitive skin conditions like eczema, rosacea, perioral dermatitis, acne, or topical steroid withdrawal it is often best practice to avoid wearing...
Is Gua Sha or Face Cupping Suitable for Sensitive Skin
Gua Sha and face cupping are both popular at home facial treatments used to promote blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, reduce puffiness, and enhance a youthful...
Holiday Skincare Tips with Kiri @ AMPERNA®
Whenever I travel, I always ensure I dial up my skincare rituals. Flying is extremely drying for the skin due to the air conditioning and...
Skin Confidence in your 30s
Your skin naturally evolves as you age and your 30’s is a great decade to start implementing a solid skincare routine and tweaking your lifestyle...
Skin Confidence in your 50s
Aging is a beautiful privilege. The lines and wrinkles that form on our skin as we get older are markers of the life, we have...