Holiday Skincare Tips with Kiri @ AMPERNA®

Holiday Skincare Tips with Kiri @ AMPERNA®

Posted by Kiri Yanchenko on

Whenever I travel, I always ensure I dial up my skincare rituals. Flying is extremely drying for the skin due to the air conditioning and pressure in the cabin. And as I suffer from Sub Type 1 rosacea, I need to take precautions to make sure my skin stays happy and hydrated to avoid any unwanted flares.

Even if you do not suffer from inflammatory or sensitive skin concerns like rosacea, travelling can play havoc on your skin. From climate & temperature changes, air pollution to what you consume. Not to sound like the fun police, but if you do not listen to your skin or take extra care looking after it, you may end up with stressed out skin while on holidays resulting in breakouts, flare ups, dryness or exacerbating existing skin conditions.

So, I have compiled my holiday skincare essentials and tips that can be implemented by everyone.

These are the steps I take before a trip, during the flight and once I get to my location. To help maintain a calm, hydrated, and glowing complexion, here is what works for me.

Skincare Preparation Before the Holiday

Cut back on Actives

Depending on the destination and length of time I will be there, I cut back on using any actives roughly a week out from the flight. This lessens the chance of my skin becoming too sensitive to environmental stressors that can cause skin inflammation.

Stock up on all AMPERNA® products

Of course my skincare essentials kit is based around our AMPERNA® probiotic - rich products.

TIP: I decanter my favourite [SUPACALM] SOS Daily Facial spray into a smaller bottle to have on hand during the flight for whenever my skin is thirsty for a quenching.

Organise my Ingestibles

I ensure I have everything I need for a comfortable flight packed into my Dosey Pill Organiser. What I always travel with, includes:

  1. Panadol
  2. Antihistamines
  3. Digestive Enzymes
  4. The Gut Co Sleep {well}

Kiri’s Holiday Skincare Tips and Essentials

On the Flight

  • Fresh Skin, No Make up - I want my skin to breath while on the flight, and extra layers of make up can clog my pores and weigh my skin down. Before heading to the airport, I do my normal skincare regime in the comfort of my own bathroom.
  • Liquids - It is no secret that I am a huge believer in hydrating your skin from within. Once I am assigned to my seat, I request water, green tea and a mocktail (if I am feeling fancy)
    I do not drink alcohol, but I would advise you to skip the alcoholic beverages during a flight as the mix of altitude, air conditioning and alcohol can make you dehydrated and feeling worse for wear when you land.
  • In Flight Menu - Plane meals are usually packed with extra salt, so I always pick the healthiest option possible, whether it is fish and some fruit.
  • Rosacea AMPERNA® Kit
@kiriyanchenko7 AMPERNA @Amperna® Skincare, a LUNA LUX, a face towel, a handheld fan, pajamas, a change of clothes, lip balm, lipstick, concealer, headphones… #survival #flightbeauty #survivalkits #incabinbeauty #rosacea #rosaceatreatment #weekendtrip #longweekend ♬ original sound - hairbyharleyy
@kiriyanchenko7 This is my self care time - on an overnight flight sitting away from Wesley🥰 @Amperna® Skincare @Jenny | Lunalux @Burberry @Slip Silk Pillowcase #longhaulflight #inflightbeauty #skincareregime #skincare #selfcare #wellness #mentalhealth ♬ Paradise - Bazzi

Kiri’s in-flight facial regime

  • Trialling products - Because I am always researching and developing new products for our AMPERNA® community I like to test products out on myself first. I search for products that offer extra hydration, especially during a long-haul flight. I like to test hydrating eye masks, eye serums and face masks.
    In saying that I highly urge you NOT to experiment with new products during your trip if you have not patch tested them first.
  • Skincare - After catching some much needed ZZ’s I like to refresh my face.
@kiriyanchenko7 Trying to stay fresh even when I'm flying high ✈️✨ @Amperna® Skincare has me covered, no matter where I go! #GlowOnTheGo #AirborneGlow #ampernaskin #skincare #airplanemode #topicalprobiotics #SkincareOnTheMove#CapCut ♬ Come Check This (Quickie Edit) - FETISH

Skincare Tips During the Holiday (especially for sensitive skin)

  • Stay hydrated. Drink at least 2Ls of water per day.
  • Avoid or limit alcohol consumption.
  • Limit too much sun exposure and always reapply SPF on your face and your body.
  • Exercise and moving your body is key, however pick your timing wisely and do not head out in the middle of a day for a walk or run in the scorching heat.
  • I like having my beauty kit on hand so I can cool my skin down throughout the day. Our [SUPACALM] and hand-held fan saved me on our last trip to Singapore.
  • Small cotton face towels are great to blot your skin when out and about.
  • Limit wearing make up through the day, especially if it is hot. The accumulation of sweat and make up can cause havoc for your skin and not worth the hassle (if I am being totally honest with you). Allow your skin to be free in all its glory while on holidays and save wearing make up for the evening or special occasions.
  • My preference is an anti-inflammatory diet for battling rosacea flares so I try to keep to my regular eating style while on holidays – as best as I can depending on where I have travelled to.
  • Sleep is imperative. Ensure you are getting as much quality sleep as you can while on holidays.
  • Planning a spa day or facial? Make sure you choose a service you normally would back home. I am incredibly sensitive to essential oils so make sure you check with the therapist what oils they would be using, especially if you are getting a facial.


Blog article author

Written By Kiri Yanchenko

Kiri Yanchenko is the founder and CEO of AMPERNA®. Having had severe pustular acne and perioral dermatitis herself, she has a deep personal understanding of the challenges faced by having problem skin. She has over 10 years of experience in skincare and holistic skin coaching and is passionate about helping everyone feel comfortable in their own skin.

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