Tips, Treatment and the Best Products for Perioral Dermatitis
Dermatitis, particularly that which affects the face, can often feel like an isolating condition. The reality is that it is actually quite common and affects more than 230 million people...
7 Tips for Glowing Holiday Skin
The holiday season is nearly upon us and many of you will be looking forward to taking a break and recharging. Hooray! Whether you’re taking...
Can a Dairy Free Diet Cure Acne?
Acne is tough to live with and even tougher to get rid of. And then there’s the advice from well-meaning relatives that makes you want...
How Our Unique Probiotic Helps to Soothe Skin and Reduce Signs of Ageing
An interview with AMPERNA®'s head chemist, Rita We recently attended a skincare and beauty industry trade show and were excited by the level of interest...
Are Natural Ingredients Always Better in Skincare Products?
‘100% natural’. ‘Nothing artificial’. ‘Preservative free’. 'Organic'. You have likely been seeing more and more of these claims on skincare and cosmetic products, but are natural...
Can Makeup Cause Breakouts?
When you have a skin flare-up, the first thing you want to do is hide. And because staying in bed forever is just not feasible,...
The Inspiration Behind AMPERNA®
The main reason I’m in business it to help people feel comfortable in their own skin. I think that confidence is something that we could...
Adult Pimples, Rosacea and What to do About Them
"I was 41 when I was diagnosed with rosacea. I thought that my days of acne were behind me. I was in the process of...
My Journey to Skin Health
If you met me today, you probably wouldn’t guess that only a few years ago my skin was one of my biggest concerns. At times...
Four Ingredients we Exclude from Our Products and Why
They say that necessity is the mother of invention. In my case it was sheer frustration. I developed the AMPERNA® range while plagued by bouts...