Tips, Treatment and the Best Products for Perioral Dermatitis
Dermatitis, particularly that which affects the face, can often feel like an isolating condition. The reality is that it is actually quite common and affects more than 230 million people...
How to Achieve Your “Festive-best” Skin
The festive season is in full swing, meaning lots of nights out, dinners, drinks and less sleep than usual. The number of social engagements in...
The Demand for Personalised Skincare
No two people have the same skin, yet for decades the only skincare products and services available were targeting everyone. Today, more and more people...
Help for Acne and Rosacea
Acne and rosacea affect millions of Australians and can cause significant physical and emotional distress. Feelings of embarrassment, lack of confidence and loss of hope...
Sunscreen Doesn't Compromise Vitamin D Levels
Wearing sunscreen is essential, especially if you live in Australia where two in three people will be diagnosed with a type of skin cancer by...
The Use of Collagen Supplementation for Anti-Ageing
Whats Does the Science Say Behind the Use of Collagen Supplementation for Anti-Ageing Collagen supplementation is highly marketed on social media platforms as being beneficial...
Holistic Skin Health Takes Time
The Quick-Fix Generation We live in an era of quick fixes and over-night success stories, bombarded with social media "experts" of the 7-day skin detox,...
2 Healthy Recipes to Make at Home
As you may know, AMPERNA® believes in Holistic Skin Health. This is because our founder Kiri used these principles to assist her recovery which inspired her to start...
Is Anti-Pollution Skincare Worth the Hype?
In a word: yes. Skincare trends come and go faster than you can say “do I even need that?”. Some trends last the test of...
10 Expert Tips for Your Best Skin this Summer
‘Oh, the summer night, has a smile of light, and she sits on a sapphire throne.’ Bryan Procter There are many things to enjoy about...