The Demand for Personalised Skincare

The Demand for Personalised Skincare

Posted by Leigh Coleman on

No two people have the same skin, yet for decades the only skincare products and services available were targeting everyone.

Today, more and more people are looking for customised skincare products, treatments and services to help them achieve their best-looking skin. 

In a recent study conducted by Mintel, half of the people surveyed liked the idea that a product is personalised and a third think these products will give them superior results. These findings are not surprising, especially for people with sensitive or problematic skin who have not had success with a ‘one size fits all’ approach. 

Why is Personalised Skin Care Growing?

Firstly, skin is one of our most important organs and tells a great deal about our general health & well-being. When our skin health is compromised, it can have a devastating effect on our health, self-esteem and our emotional state. So, it makes sense that people want to look after their skin health.

Secondly, many of us will come up against skin issues in our lifetime, which include eczema, psoriasis, acne, rosacea and urticaria (known as hives). In treating these conditions, the challenge can be finding the solution that is right for you, especially when there are lots of gimmicks that don’t work. Even worse, many mass market products and treatments may actually make your condition worse or even trigger side effects.

Finally, there are many factors influencing your skin health; the environment, lifestyle, stress levels, diet and hormones all play a huge role. Your skin microbiome is unique to you, so that’s why the ‘one size fits all’ approach may not necessarily work.

 AMPERNA Personalised Skincare

Why AMPERNA® Can Help

The AMPERNA® philosophy is a holistic one.

Kiri Yanchenko, founder of AMPERNA® struggled with adult acne. When she was 30, her father developed a serious illness. His health deteriorated quickly, and Kiri, being his sole carer, soon found herself battling with her own health issues. To help deal with the situation, she was prescribed medication, which had acute side effects and her skin went from normal to unbearable almost overnight.

Initially, she developed a severe case of pustular acne that was so painful she could not sleep at night. She then developed perioral dermatitis, a common facial irritation that manifests as spots and flaky skin around the mouth and chin.

Kiri searched for treatment options and in her search, she was prescribed a topical steroid. Instead of helping her condition, it actually made it worse.  Her perioral dermatitis spread, soon covering the bottom of her face.  With sore, flaky and inflamed skin, Kiri was desperate to find a solution. She found by that adopting holistic principles she was able to help herself back to full health and achieve glowing skin.

AMPERNA® is inspired by her skin health journey including her learnings on Holistic Skin Health, the link between gut health and skin health and the power of probiotics. The product range is full of anti-inflammatory anti-bacterial ingredients and contain a vital probiotic complex.

 AMPERNA Personalised Skincare

The AMPERNA® Personalised Service

Since launching AMPERNA®, Kiri has helped many people around the world through their skin care journey. Her Holistic Skin Coaching Service means you can discuss all your skin concerns and develop a tailored plan to work towards healthy glowing skin.

Kiri believes that by providing her personalised product and service it has contributed to the businesses’ 5-star review rating and multitudes of success stories. 

How does it work?

You can think of Kiri as your one on one skin coach.

You can select the number of hours that you think will be right for you. The time spent talking to Kiri covers:

1 Hour/Initial Consultation: You will discuss AMPERNA® products, a regime using the products and holistic skin health tips based on photos of your skin. When you purchase, Kiri will send you a link to a quick questionnaire to fill out so she has all the information needed to make the most out of your session.

2 Hours: You will discuss your current skin concerns and an initial holistic tips. You can discuss the products, a regime using the products and holistic skin health tips based on photos of your skin. There will be time to delve into the products you are currently using, their ingredients vs AMPERNA® ingredients, discuss stress levels and you can ask questions.

3 Hours: You can talk about the products you are currently using, their ingredients vs AMPERNA® ingredients, discuss stress levels and you can ask any questions. You may like to discuss any pre-existing medical conditions and Kirs can organise to work with doctors, dermatologists, nutritionists and immunologists if needed. You may like to stagger your three hour support depending on your skin concerns so Kiri can update you regime depending on how your skin responds.

4 Hours: This service includes Holistic Skin Health support including things like product advice, ongoing regime support, diet tips, ingredients help, mindfulness techniques, referrals to professionals. You will also probably have some questions of your own. You may like to stagger your four hour support depending on your skin concerns so Kiri can update your regime depending on how your skin responds.

Monthly Recurring (Unlimited): This service includes unlimited Holistic Skin Health support including things like product advice, ongoing regime support, diet tips, ingredients help, mindfulness techniques, referrals to professionals and help with unrelated skin concerns that develop on your face or body. You can email any time with any questions you have.

If you are interesting in your skin health, you can contact Kiri or sign up for skin coaching.


You might also like to read Supporting Your Skin Health With Probiotics & Antioxidants.

 AMPERNA Personalised Skincare


Blog article author

Written By Leigh Coleman

Leigh Coleman is a Senior Marketing Manager at a leading FMCG brand with over 15 years of experience leading brand growth strategy, innovation and brand communication. She has extensive experience in product development research and public relations. Leigh enjoys researching the latest trends in the skincare space as she herself has suffered from various skin conditions.

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