Tips, Treatment and the Best Products for Perioral Dermatitis
Dermatitis, particularly that which affects the face, can often feel like an isolating condition. The reality is that it is actually quite common and affects more than 230 million people...
Finding Your Skin Trigger Versus Masking the Symptoms
Antibiotics and steroid medications are frequently prescribed for skin conditions such as eczema, acne and perioral dermatitis. Whilst medication can be effective for some people,...
Is it Time to Simplify Your Skincare Routine?
We all want healthy, glowing skin. When it comes to looking after your skin health, there is a mountain of information on how many products...
Help for Hyperpigmentation Sufferers
For many of us, achieving radiant skin and an even skin tone can feel like an ongoing challenge, especially if you suffer from hyperpigmentation, a...
Men Can Use AMPERNA® Too
The demand for men’s skincare products is growing rapidly across the world. In the USA a recent survey found that over 80% of men aged...
Skincare Coaching for Acne & Rosacea
If you have suffered from acne and rosacea for an extended period or have only recently started to suffer one or more of these skin...
How to be Sun Smart When Using Active Skincare Products
If you are using skincare products containing active ingredients such as Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs), Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs) and retinol, it is extremely important...
AMPERNA's Second Birthday - Walnut & Zucchini Cake
It has been an absolutely HUGE two years for our business. Of course - the most important achievement for us has been the many people...
Is My Skin Sensitive or Sensitised?
If you suffer from symptoms such as redness, blotchiness or tingling on your face, you may be one of 50% of the population that believes...
What You Need to Know about Skincare Fads
Fashion fads, diet fads and beauty fads, let’s face it, most have us have been drawn into several fads during our lifetime. It can be...