Tips, Treatment and the Best Products for Perioral Dermatitis
Dermatitis, particularly that which affects the face, can often feel like an isolating condition. The reality is that it is actually quite common and affects more than 230 million people...
Social Media Skincare Hack? Or Incoming Compromised Skin Barrier Loading . . .
Social media can have a significant impact on people’s skincare habits, and not necessarily in an effective way. Our feeds are constantly flooded with the...
How to Restore Skin Brightness and Reduce Hyperpigmentation Spots
In this article we speak with Senior Clinician Sally Cussell of Rejuvenation Clinics of Australia, who is an expert at treating hyperpigmentation, and shares a...
Are You Overwashing Your Face?
Suffering from skin issues? You might be simply over-cleansing your skin. Your skin naturally acts as a barrier, meaning it keeps out what it is...
Can Sudocrem Really Clear Your Skin?
Designed to help soothe and heal your baby’s nappy rash, Sudocrem applied to your face as a spot treatment or all-over face mask, known as...
How to Wear Sunscreen and Makeup Together
Applying sunscreen to your skin every day is the best way to prevent sun damage. The challenge can be finding a sunscreen that gives you...
Roaccutane, Skincare and Mental Health
What skincare should I use while on Roaccutane? What happens to your skin while on Roaccutane? What happens when you stop using Roaccutane? Will Roaccutane...
Sunscreen 101: Everything You Need To Know About SPF
Summer is around the corner in Australia & I would like to remind everyone how to use sunscreen safely and effectively as part of a...
Understanding Active Skin Care
There are countless skin care products on the market and it can be confusing to decide which one is right for you. This is especially...
How Stress Can Affect Your Gut Health
Whilst minor stress from time to time is normal and expected, if your stress levels stay high for long periods of time it can cause...