Tips, Treatment and the Best Products for Perioral Dermatitis
Dermatitis, particularly that which affects the face, can often feel like an isolating condition. The reality is that it is actually quite common and affects more than 230 million people...
Skin Confidence in your 50s
Aging is a beautiful privilege. The lines and wrinkles that form on our skin as we get older are markers of the life, we have...
Skin Confidence in your 40s
Let’s be real for a minute. Ageing is a privilege and a reality of life. When it comes to skincare the term ‘anti-ageing’ is the...
Immunosuppressants – What you Need to Know
Immunosuppressants are medications that reduce or suppress the activity of the immune system. These drugs are often used to treat autoimmune diseases, manage inflammatory conditions...
Benefits of Pre & Probiotic Haircare for Your Healthiest Hair
A healthy scalp will produce healthy hair. Topical probiotics are primarily known for their benefits on skin health, but there is positive proven research and...
Sensitive Skin – Signs, Causes and How to Manage It
What does sensitive skin mean? Sensitive skin refers to a condition where the skin is more reactive and prone to irritation compared to normal skin....
Natural vs. Synthetic Fragrance: What's the Difference?
Fragrances… they are in absolutely everything Body lotion, deodorant, washing powder, shampoos, sunscreen, hairspray, even lipstick. At first glance, this might not seem like a big...
The Cycle of Eczema and Topical Steroids
If you suffer from eczema and start using a topical steroid to treat it, will you end up with topical steroid withdrawal? How do you...
What Foods to Eat for your Skin Type
Your diet plays an essential role in supporting the overall health of your skin. Whether you have dry, oily, combination or sensitive skin the foods...
A Skincare Ingredient Suitable for All Skin Types - Topical Probiotics
Sensitive, flared, dry, oily or combination skin types, whatever end of the skin spectrum you sit, you will find that topical probiotic skincare is your...