The Inspiration Behind AMPERNA®

The Inspiration Behind AMPERNA®

Posted by Kiri Yanchenko on

The main reason I’m in business it to help people feel comfortable in their own skin. I think that confidence is something that we could all use more of and you really can’t put a price tag on confidence.


A Difficult Time in my Life

The idea came about as a direct result of some pretty severe health problems I suffered a few years ago.

When I was 30 I was looking after my Father, who was seriously ill, and I took some medication that I wouldn’t normally have taken if I wasn’t going through a stressful period in my life.

I had lots of complications because of the medications and one of the side effects I experienced was severe pustular acne. It appeared quite quickly and was very uncomfortable. I tried to hide from the world. I took time out from my life and my job. It affected me a lot – physically and emotionally. It was a very traumatic time.

There are now multiple research articles linking the consumption of dairy to certain types acne specifically acne that is hormonally triggered.

Trying to Find a Solution

I decided that I needed to review my whole lifestyle, taking a holistic approach to my health. I started researching diets and healthy lifestyles and eating.

I went through the process of cutting out everything I shouldn’t be eating and reassessing everything that I was using on my skin. Going through that process of identifying certain triggers to my skin problems.

I spent a lot of time online looking at acne topicals and ingredients that people said helped them in forums and blogs.

I was also researching the benefits of taking supplements. Zinc was supposed to help your skin, so I started taking that and found it helped a lot. Then because I had been on a course of antibiotics I had taken probiotics for a while, so I looked into gut health and introduced probiotic tablets permanently to my diet. This lead to my discovery about the gut microbiome and then a little later about the skin microbiome as well.

 AMPERNA® Good Gut Health

Sharing my Progress While Searching for Solutions

I then started a beauty blog, which was more for myself. I was tracking what I was using, what I liked and what I didn’t like and people really started to respond to it well.

I researched lots of skincare from Europe and Korea. I racked up quite an Amazon debt buying all the products I wanted to try with the ingredients and formulas that sounded like they were ok, but not quite right.

Once I had found out about probiotics in skincare I tried to find other brands that had them in them and realised that there were only a few available overseas. My skin was starting to heal and I was excited about what the future held.

Then about four years ago I suffered perioral dermatitis. I am pretty sure that my perioral dermatitis was triggered by a combination of stress, a fluoride allergy I developed or using cortisone cream on a rash around my mouth – I noticed my perioral dermatitis flare-ups were worse after I visited the dentist.

And that was when the idea really took hold. I was desperate for something to work. There were various products that included the ingredients that I loved, but nothing streamlined and simple that was active enough or contained the ingredients that I would like to use for my sensitive skin.

I used the knowledge from all of my research to create my first samples of AMPERNA®.

 AMPERNA® Kiri Yanchenko Founder

The satisfaction of helping others

And now here I am a few years later, receiving feedback from the people I’ve helped by creating AMPERNA®. And that is the best reward.

Blog article author

Written By Kiri Yanchenko

Kiri Yanchenko is the founder and CEO of AMPERNA®. Having had severe pustular acne and perioral dermatitis herself, she has a deep personal understanding of the challenges faced by having problem skin. She has over 10 years of experience in skincare and holistic skin coaching and is passionate about helping everyone feel comfortable in their own skin.

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