Six Great Ways to Give Your Skin a Spring Clean

Six Great Ways to Give Your Skin a Spring Clean

Posted by Tracey Long on

With the change of seasons comes a little more moisture in the air and a chance to refresh your skincare regime. Warmer weather tends to cause skin to relax, giving it a more open-pored look, while superficial blood vessels tend to be more obvious so our skin can look redder and we naturally perspire more.

A change of season is the perfect time to re-assess and optimize your skincare regime, so here are 6 ways to give your skin a spring clean:

1. Review expiry dates of your products

Expired products can be a problem because the ingredients that are included to stop the growth of mold and bad bacteria may stop working after a certain period of time. Using one of these products could contribute to issues such as acne, inflammation, eye irritations and eye infections.

A new season is a good time to review all of your make up and skincare products to check that they’re not past the sell by date. It is also a great idea to replace any make-up brushes or sponges that you’ve had for a long time, as they can also harbor harmful bacteria.

Find out more about how to take care of your make up brushes so that you can keep them for longer in this helpful article at Bustle.

Spring Clean Makeup

2. Swap the Heavy Winter Moisturisers for a Lighter Option

Even though the moisture levels may be increasing and your skin may be feeling a little less parched, it does not mean you should forget the moisturiser all together.

Qualified beauty therapist and make up artist Megan Potter recommends swapping thicker winter favourites for lighter options.

"As the weather warms up I like to swap my facial oils and moisturisers for more light weight serums and creams," says Megan. "Our skin just doesn't need as much nourishment when there's humidity in the air. While the product you used during the cooler months may have done you proud, the trick here is switch out rich creams in favour of something more lightweight."

Spring Clean Moisturiser

3. Let Your Skin Breathe

With the change in humidity comes a greater likelihood of sweat and oil on the skin, which can lead to clogged pores and acne. Many experts recommend ditching the heavy foundations and going au natural as mucg as possible.

Megan recommends using a good quality pure mineral makeup, as mineral makeup does not clog your pores and allows your skin to breathe and sweat through your makeup.

Spring Clean Natural Skin

4. Double Cleanse

When the weather’s warmer it is a great idea to add an extra round of cleansing into your pm routine to ensure that the day’s dirt, pollution and SPF does not end up on your pillow or remain on your skin as an overnight irritant.
*However, this may not be right for your skin if you suffer from flared perioral dermatitis, as an example, so be mindful of what your skin type or skin condition is as over-cleansing can be detrimental to your skin's barrier. 

5. Put a Spotlight on Exfoliation

Exfoliation is a great way to remove dead skin cells and encourage new cell renewal. Amperna® founder Kiri recommends adjusting your level of exfoliation according to the needs of your skin.

"In winter I exfoliate around twice a week depending on what my skin wants, but in spring I sometimes up that to four times a week and then in summer I drop it back down," says Kiri. "I believe it’s important to listen to what your skin needs and play it safe."

We recommend a gentle exfoliation regime using a non-abrasive product like our Amperna® 10% Pro+ Resurfacing Lotion.

6. Treat Your Skin to Some Professional Care

Every now and then our skin could benefit from a visit to a skincare specialist. Skin therapist Linda Jackson of Skin Wellness recommends the following treatments to her clients as a way to refresh their skin for the new season:

Vitamin Skin Infusions

"Vitamin Skin Infusions are my fave for refreshing skin after winter and these have the added benefit of preparing skin for the coming summer by driving the active ingredients right into the skin."

Dermal Needling

"Dermal needling is a great treatment tool during for the end of winter as this reboots cellular function, normalises melanin formation and normalises sebaceous secretion."

LED Light Therapy

"LED stimulates a photochemical response to encourage healing, so this is a great treatment course to undertake in preparation for summer."

Linda also lists the following as part of her recommended skin spring cleaning regime:

  • Using an AHA (alpha hydroxyl acid) face mask twice a week
  • Stepping up the vitamin A content of night creams
  • Increase intake of vitamin C and anti-oxidants to help protect from increased UV levels

Spring Clean Sun Protection

Don’t Forget Sun Protection

All skincare experts will advise you to step up your use of sun protection with the warmer weather. Whether that be a more regular application of sunscreen, keeping a hat with you whenever you head out doors or checking the day’s UV levels, everything you to do protect your skin from the sun reduces the risk of damage, fine lines and wrinkles.

"Be vigilant with sunscreen," says Linda. "Apply it in greater quantities and more frequently. A tinted sunscreen or BB cream creates a healthy, moist looking skin."

 Do you have any great spring cleaning skincare tips? We’d love to hear about them!


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